Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How to Switch Car Insurance Companies

It may be easier than you think!

There are many reasons why you may choose to move their auto insurance coverage to another company. They may have changed jobs and are eligible for a group discount through another insurer, or perhaps are not satisfied with the current service your company provides. Perhaps you’ve just found another company willing to offer the same level of coverage for considerably less money. Today, many insurance companies 24 hours a day kind of information through its toll-free numbers or websites, so that the investigation of its options has never been easier. Another valuable source of information is your state’s Department of Insurance.

Why switch to a new insurance company?
Regularly review your coverage automatically to make sure you’re getting the best insurance value for their money. You will discover that it’s worth buying everything. In some states, premiums for these policies vary widely among different companies. The reasons for this price variation can be very complicated, but boil down to a business policyholders’ claims experienced in the coverage of their group (for example, people of similar age, the number of accidents, vehicle type) . For example, if a large number of people in their group coverage file claims during a given year, its likely to increase rates. When this happens, the better discounts and lower premiums in general may be available at other companies, although some states strictly regulate the price of coverage. When you decide to change your auto insurance company to another, you will find it fairly easy to do.

How to cancel your old policy
In general, all you need to do to cancel its auto policy is to inform your insurance company in writing, specifying the date you want the policy canceled. In some states, his new agent must notify his previous agent of change in policy. Some companies, please resubmit the real political form. His insurance company will send you a cancellation request form that you must sign and return. Carefully examine how to ensure that all information about its policy is correct. If you do not get that way within two weeks of sending your letter, call your agent or company immediately to check the status of its cancellation. Not just walk away from its old policy without formally cancel. Otherwise, the insurance company may assume that you want to continue with their coverage, and that eventually could end the policy of non-payment of premiums and report their lack of coverage of their state Department of Motor Vehicles. This can hurt your credit rating and ability to obtain a new policy.

Be sure to get a new policy first
Always have a new policy in place before you cancel your old auto insurance coverage. You do not want the gap in the protection, even for one day. Fortunately, there is little danger of this happening. Most states require all drivers living within its borders to keep a minimum level of auto insurance. Thus, most insurance companies and policyholders required to furnish proof of the new coverage before they will cancel an active policy. You might need to show your old carrier copies of a new ID card or insurance declarations page of your new policy. His new company will be able to time the launch of its new policy to coincide with the cancellation of its coverage of age.

When to change policies
The best time to change carriers auto insurance is just prior to its old policy is about to renew. This allows you to avoid paying the printing and start-up costs incurred by the company as part of the process of political renewal. You also avoid the inconvenience of calculating the amount of unused premium that must be returned to you.

A renewal notice will be sent approximately one month before a new policy period begins, according to regulations of their state. The notice describes its coverage, discounts, and the premium you owe. If you decide to change policies, you need to align a new policy by the time your current policy is renewed, although most states allow about a month after the renewal to change. If you miss the deadline, you may end up paying a cancellation penalty.

You do not have to wait until renewal
All auto insurance policies contain a provision that gives you the right to cancel your policy at any time, once adequate notification of the insurance company. You do not necessarily have to wait until the time of renewal. Cancellation after a renewed policy is the most desirable at the end of a cycle of payments. In this way, you are not obliged to deal with recovering the unused portion of their premium paid. But if you decide to cancel in the middle of a cycle, the company apportion its last premium payment until the date of cancellation and return the rest to you. However, a special “short rate” (cancellation penalty), is deducted to pay the administrative costs of renewing the policy.

How long does it take to change?
By changing companies, his new agent or insurer can implement the change in just one day. You will have to provide a date of termination, your former agent’s name and the name of the insurer. It would also be useful to show his new agent a copy of the old policy specifications page, to coincide with the coverage.

Note that this description / explanation is only serve as a guide.

Cheap High Risk Car Insurance Loveland Colorado CO

I receive a ticket for intoxicated driving. I am 20 years old and I was wondering how much my auto insurance in Loveland, Colorado will increase because of this?


Loveland, CO

If you are convicted of intoxicated driving which is a type of DUI offense then your car insurance rates are likely to increase a decent amount. Certain violations may cause an insurance company to turn down the policyholder for insurance coverage or to pay high-risk insurance rates.

According to the Department of Transportation in Colorado, your car insurance could go up 30 % on average if you have a DUI offense on your motor vehicle record. With a driving under the influence conviction car insurance rates tend to increase and you will likely be now classified as a high risk driver.

The best way to find the cheapest car insurance rates after you have been convicted of a DUI is to shop around. Make sure you ask for any discounts available to you. This can be for safety features on your vehicle, driver improvement or traffic class, anti-theft devices, etc.

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